How Are The Artificial Colors On The Label Written?

How Are The Artificial Colors On The Label Written?
How Are The Artificial Colors On The Label Written?

It is well known that artificial colors are harmful to health. On the labels of the products distributed in the trade network, you can find them coded with the familiar ones of all E's. We can usually find them in the range between E100 to E199.

They are most often found in ice cream, various types of jelly and chewy candies, carbonated drinks. Everyone knows that children often succumb to these temptations. Despite the known damages from artificial colors due to omission or reluctance, the Bulgarian authorities still allow their widespread use in the food industry.

For reference, here are the banned dyes in other countries and what are the reasons for this:

- E102 is banned in Australia and Norway. It is usually used to add yellow color to jams, snacks, cereals, pastries. Leads to urinary tract obstruction and kidney failure;

- E107 is banned in Australia and the United States. Used for coloring soft drinks. It is considered carcinogenic;


- E132 and E133 are banned in more than 35 countries. They are used in the preparation of biscuits, bakery products, ice cream, dairy products. They cause asthma, allergic reactions and have a carcinogenic effect;

- E123 is banned in the United States, Russia, Australia and Norway. Used in jelly products. Leads to destruction of the liver and reproductive functions;

- E122 is banned in Sweden, USA, Norway, Canada and Japan. Stimulates the nervous system in children. May cause cerebral edema, allergic reactions and rash;

- E124 - considered carcinogenic (animal experiments performed) and not used in the USA and Norway;

- E127 - a red dye that is banned in Norway. Contained in snacks and pastries. It is extremely harmful for asthmatics, leading to blockage of blood vessels.

Experts recommend avoiding the use of the following dyes - from E173 to E175, E180, E160 (b), E150 (a), E150 (b), E150 (c), E150 (d), E120, E128, E131, E107. Absolutely forbidden for production are E103, E121.
