Professor Baykova: All Artificial Sweeteners Are Dangerous To Health

Professor Baykova: All Artificial Sweeteners Are Dangerous To Health
Professor Baykova: All Artificial Sweeteners Are Dangerous To Health

The health expert professor Donka Baikova was adamant that harmless sweeteners do not exist. In an interview with Bulgaria ON AIR, she said that the consumption of all artificial sweeteners in food and beverages is harmful to health, although some of them are approved for use and others are not.

According to her, the intake of artificial sweeteners sends a signal to the brain centers for a sweet taste while they are still in the mouth. This activates the pancreas, which begins to secrete insulin.

But because it is not glucose but aspartame that enters the body, the release of insulin is unnecessary, as it only metabolizes glucose.

The dietitian also claims that the harmful diet of Americans is becoming increasingly popular around the world. It was in the United States that the introduction of Light drinks began, misleading people that they did not make them fat.

Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners

There are now two weight trends in the United States, none of which are healthy. Some are overweight and prone to obesity, while others are too weak with the risk of developing anorexia and bulimia.

Consumption of harmful foods and weight gain are not only unaesthetic, but also lead to a serious risk to heart health, says Professor Baykova. These foods lead to high blood sugar and high cholesterol levels.

As advice for a healthier diet, the expert recommends light food and especially - the consumption of fruits and vegetables.


At least 3 days a week we should emphasize the consumption of fruits and vegetables. They do not have to be raw, but you can prepare them baked or boiled.

However, you need to wash them carefully because most of them contain nitrates, which cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
