Green Peppers - Good For Nails

Green Peppers - Good For Nails
Green Peppers - Good For Nails

Green peppers, it turns out, are one of the best cosmetics to improve the appearance. Green peppers are extremely useful for maintaining the strength and shine of nails.

This is because this type of vegetable contains a lot of silicon - a substance with proven enhancing functions.

Green peppers also have the ability to clear the skin of blemishes.

Some naturopaths recommend to prepare vegetable extract mixed with 25 to 50% carrot juice to maintain the radiance of the skin.

In addition, consuming more peppers in any form has a good effect in terms of strengthening bone strength.

The benefits of vegetables do not stop there. Green peppers are recommended for people with indigestion. They are a good helper for those suffering from flatulence.

Colic and painful stomach cramps also respond well to increased intake of green peppers. Their healing properties stem from the fact that they contain a small amount of cellulose.

An important detail is that for the actual effect before taking peppers must be pre-peeled and roasted.

Green Peppers
Green Peppers

Some experts even believe that peppers are useful for arousing the appetite. However, this applies to large-fruited red spicy varieties.

Pepper is rich in many vitamins. The most prominent of these is vitamin C. In fact, there is no other vegetable that contains so much of the valuable substances. Peppers also contain vitamin P.

An interesting detail is that in our latitudes this crop began to be grown relatively late.

The history of pepper shows that it was not until the 16th century that its cultivation began in the Balkans and Africa. And the roots of the plant are in America.
