Say Stop Brittle Nails With Parsnip Juice

Say Stop Brittle Nails With Parsnip Juice
Say Stop Brittle Nails With Parsnip Juice

Parsnip is a root vegetable that is related to carrots. Its juice is low in sodium and calcium, which reduces its nutritional value. On the other hand, it is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine, which turn the juice from its leaves and roots into a valuable therapeutic agent.

Significant amounts of silicon and sulfur are especially useful for brittle nails. The elements phosphorus and chlorine are important for the lungs and the respiratory system as a whole. This makes parsnip juice useful in the treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia and emphysema.

The high content of potassium nourishes the brain and from this point of view the juice of this vegetable is recommended for diseases affecting brain activity.

Warning: The above applies only to garden parsnips, but not to wild parsnips, as they contain some toxic ingredients.

Before taking any juices, it is good to consult a doctor to make sure we are using the right herb for the disease.

Even as a preventive measure, it is imperative to be very careful with the use of juices, because anything that is overdone, even if curative, begins to harm and adversely affect the body.
