Salt Substitutes

Salt Substitutes
Salt Substitutes

Salt is the main spice for flavoring dishes. In small amounts, it is good for the body, but its excessive use leads to a number of side effects. These are heart attack, hypertension and cardiovascular problems.

There are natural salt substitutes that have a similar taste and function as it, but have a far better effect on health.

Black pepper - this is the most common natural substitute for salt. Like salt, it adds flavor and richness to dishes, but unlike the harmful effects of sodium chloride, pepper improves digestion and supports colon function.


Garlic is the second most commonly used substitute for salt. Grinded or chopped, it improves the taste of food. When lightly roasted, garlic can be used to sprinkle on any dish.

If you do not like garlic, you can resort to the following little trick. Cut a clove and spread it on the bottom of the pan in which you will cook. If the dish requires cooking, mash the garlic and put it in the pan. This will melt it, but it will leave a good taste.

If you still can't put up with garlic, then basil and cumin are the two possible options. Cumin has a similar taste to garlic, but its structure and smell are different. Basil, on the other hand, has a much duller taste than both garlic and basil.


For people addicted to salt, the best alternative is sesame. It flavors food the way salt makes it, but is much healthier.

Lemon - it has a slightly sour taste and is quite a strong flavor for dishes. Citrus juice is rich in vitamin C and aids digestive processes.

Sea salt is the closest source of salt. Unlike ordinary salt, unrefined sea salt includes 21 minerals important for the human body. Some of them are magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, copper and iron.

Other good salt substitutes are some herbs such as rosemary, bay leaf, curry, coriander and parsley.
