Problems Sleeping? Drink Cherry Juice

Problems Sleeping? Drink Cherry Juice
Problems Sleeping? Drink Cherry Juice

If counting sheep late at night in bed does not help you reach the desired deep and healthy sleep, maybe it's time to start drinking a glass of cherry juice before bed.

The pleasant and slightly bitter, but extremely fresh drink turns out to have an extremely beneficial effect on good sleep. A new study has proven that just one glass of fruit juice will help you prolong your period of deep and healthy sleep by an average of one hour and twenty-four minutes.

Researchers at the State University of Pittsburgh in the United States have found that cherry juice contains compounds that inhibit the production of chemicals in the brain responsible for poor sleep and insomnia.

The natural drink is also rich in procyanidins and anthocyanins, also found in blueberries, which are often praised by scientists and experts for their health benefits associated with reducing inflammation in the body. Another significant benefit of cherry juice is that it reduces the levels of kynurenine in the blood, which is associated with sleep deprivation.

To prove the benefits of the juice, American scientists studied its effects on 200 volunteers. The participants in the study were divided into two equal groups. Before that, everyone had to fill out a questionnaire to establish their sleeping habits.

People in one group were given a large glass of cherry juice and the others were given a glass of placebo. Participants drank their distributed drinks twice a day - immediately after waking up and just before bedtime, for thirty days.

Cherry juice
Cherry juice

Photo: Iliana Dimova

After the allotted period of time, everyone re-filled in a survey on sleep habits. In the second part of the experiment, the drinks were exchanged - placebo drinkers began to drink cherry juice and vice versa. After another thirty days, the volunteers filled out a third questionnaire again trying to establish a change in sleep habits.

After summarizing the data, the researchers were able to conclude that people who drank cherry juice increased their time for deep and healthy sleep by 84 minutes. However, the effect disappears only days after you stop drinking the drink.
