The Healing Properties Of Cherries

The Healing Properties Of Cherries
The Healing Properties Of Cherries

The healing properties of the cherry have long been appreciated and used. This fruit must be present at the table of people suffering from cardiovascular, biliary and renal diseases.

The cherries are classified into three main groups:

- moreli - with dark red fruits;

- Amoreli - with light red fruits;

- Vishnap - a cross between cherry and sour cherry.

The fruits are useful because of their rich content of organic acids (malic, oxalic and citric), sugars (glucose, fructose), mineral salts (potassium), etc. They contain a high percentage of trace elements (zinc, copper, boron, manganese). And tannins give the fruit a slightly tart taste. B vitamins are also abundant, and the largest are C and P.

Cherry juice
Cherry juice

Cherries prevent water retention in the body. They are useful in iron deficiency anemia, improve digestion and have an invigorating effect. Pectin, which is contained in cherries, helps expel toxins from the body, lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Cherry juice is a great expectorant for inflammation of the respiratory tract. It also lowers the temperature and has a laxative effect. It can be successfully used as a prophylactic against rickets, anemia and hepatitis.

Cherry fruit and juice have a proven anti-inflammatory effect. Regular intake reduces the risk of cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

Powdered crushed stones or a decoction of them is a suitable remedy for kidney stones and gout. The decoction has a diuretic effect on edema and a burning effect on the disorder.

We can easily prepare a decoction of cherry stalks, twigs or stones. Ten grams of the drug is boiled for ten minutes in 200 ml of water. Strain and drink three times before meals.
