For The Healing And Beneficial Properties Of Bananas

For The Healing And Beneficial Properties Of Bananas
For The Healing And Beneficial Properties Of Bananas

Do you remember the time when in the New Year we lined up in a long, long queue for bananas? And in which family were certain kilograms of the tropical fruit laid?

This time is long gone and bananas are now available to everyone. But this is not their main advantage. Banana provides energy to the body, and its nutrients have healing properties that help fight stomach cancer.

Bananas contain balanced vitamins. Their flesh is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C. One banana contains a quarter of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B6. These fruits are a source of calcium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. 100 grams contain 8 mg of calcium, 1 mg of sodium, 0.7 mg of iron, 16 mg of phosphorus.

Banana juice
Banana juice

Bananas are rich mainly in potassium: 100 g contains 376 mg. This element is one of the most important for the body: potassium is needed by the heart, liver, brain, bones, teeth, but especially the muscles.

In addition, potassium regulates metabolism and helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Dried bananas
Dried bananas

Bananas are really rich in natural sugars, which quickly enter the bloodstream during digestion. That is why many athletes often eat bananas, before and during the race.

The black dots on the peel of the banana indicate that the fruit has reached its maximum sugar content. Dried bananas are richer in sugar than fresh.

The energy value of bananas is 90 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Who are bananas good for? For babies. In the United States, bananas are known as "baby food."

Some doctors claim that bananas even cure ulcers and prevent the appearance of new ones. Bananas are also recommended as food for the postoperative period.
