How To Dry Mint

How To Dry Mint
How To Dry Mint

Mint, also known as gozum and mint, is a perennial spice with a strong and memorable aroma. Its use in our country is well represented. It is used to season all kinds of dishes such as soups, stews, stews, various meat dishes, fillings and more. Its strong aroma makes it difficult to combine with other spices, as there is a danger of suppressing them and not feeling the taste.

Mint is used fresh and dried. For drying it is cut at the beginning and during flowering, in July-August. This should be done in quiet and sunny weather, in the morning, after the dew has risen. It can also be picked in late autumn. Cut at the bottom - to the root with the handles.

There are several ways to drying mint. One is to dry only the leaves of the plant. To do this, after cutting the plants from the stems, carefully pluck all the petals. They are dried in the shade or in an oven up to 30 degrees. Well-dried leaves are dark green above and slightly lighter below. They are characterized by a pleasant odor and a pungent and cooling taste.

The other option for drying is whole stalks. The cut plants are washed well and drained. They are tied on small wrists with a horse or hemp and hung under a canopy. The place should be open and shady. After they are completely dry, the leaves rot. Store in glass jars or plastic boxes placed in a dry place.

Dried mint
Dried mint

Dried mint leaves, as well as fresh, are used as a spice for dishes or salads. They give a refreshing taste and a pleasant aroma mainly due to the essential oil they contain.

In addition to taste, mint brings many benefits to the body. It reduces the formation of gas in the intestines, helps the secretion of gastrointestinal juices and improves appetite. It is a little known fact that mint, placed in raw milk, successfully protects it from acidification.

Drying mint is not a difficult task. The spice is needed in every home at any time. The savory, parsley, basil, dill, devesil, celery and oregano are also dried and stored in an identical way.
