What Disease Do Sausages Cause?

What Disease Do Sausages Cause?
What Disease Do Sausages Cause?

All lovers of sausages and sausages are at great health risk in the coming months. Eating sausages, sausages and pastrami, we can get trichinosis, experts warn, quoted by Everyday.

The parasites responsible for the nasty disease are found in wild animals. However, they can be quickly transferred to livestock, and hence to dry appetizers. And because these meat products are not subjected to heat treatment, the pests end up in the human body.

Not only eating sausages and sausages is disturbing

According to experts, meatballs and kebabs should be handled carefully, as they can also cause us trouble if they are not well baked.

According to the doctors, the only way to be sure that one of these reptiles will not get into our body is to toast the raw meat products very well. Among the villagers there was a claim that if a person drank more brandy, nothing would happen to him, even if he ate problem meat.

However, experts are of a completely different opinion on the matter. According to them, if a meat is infected, no amount of homemade slime would help it.


The first symptoms of the disease are very similar to those of the flu

Therefore, when people feel nausea, general fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss or feel that they have a red throat and fever, they often do not know that they have had trichinosis.

Gradually the disease becomes more complicated and the patient acquires swelling around the eyes and skin rashes. Muscle tension begins to be felt. If measures are not taken in time, a fatal outcome for the sick person is not excluded.

Protecting ourselves from dangerous parasites is not an easy task at all. Each meat needs to be inspected by a veterinarian before being consumed. However, this is practically impossible. That is why you have to be very careful from which traders you buy meat.

Our country ranks first in the EU in confirmed cases of infection. Not enough measures are being taken on the issue and it is no wonder that this winter there are more cases of affected persons, butchers believe.
