Why Can Sausages Cause Cancer?

Why Can Sausages Cause Cancer?
Why Can Sausages Cause Cancer?

Sausages and especially smoked meat are extremely carcinogenic and therefore extremely dangerous to health.

According to a study conducted in 2002, people who tend to eat animal foods are three times more likely to develop some cancers than those who prefer to eat plant-based and dairy foods.

The carcinogenic substances released during the processing of meat additionally burden it with substances capable of causing cancer of the pancreas, colon and esophagus. This is complemented by their combination with certain meat and dairy foods.

While years ago these claims were considered rather an unproven theory, today there is no doubt - there is a direct link between the occurrence of cancer and the consumption of sausages. It is interesting to note that the risk of developing the disease is not related to cholesterol in meat.


A study was conducted in which 190,000 people took part. Observing their daily eating habits, it was found that those who abuse sausages, salami, etc., the risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases by 67%.

At the same time, for those who like pork and red meat without overeating with smoked meat, the risk increases to 50%.

In addition to the risk of cancer, there is a risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes with regular eating of sausages and bacon. According to these results, the advice that can be given is to consume more poultry, fish, dairy products and eggs, of which there is no such harm to the body.

Smoked meats
Smoked meats

On the other hand, the sausages we consume are full of sodium nitrite, dyes and large amounts of salt. They are often used in meat processing and increase the risk of bladder cancer by nearly a third.

From all that has been said so far, it is clear that the practical and delicious vacuum sausages are in fact a real time bomb. Preservatives, huge amounts of salt, nitrates - these are just some of the things we ingest when we eat vacuum-packed meats.

The comparison scientists make is that if a person eats a hot dog or hamburger every day, he will live 20 years less. This is far more dangerous than smoking but being a vegetarian.
