What Goes With Champagne

What Goes With Champagne
What Goes With Champagne

Champagne is much more flexible than most wines in choosing the food to serve. As important as it is to choose champagne to suit our taste, so important is the choice of what to combine it with.

So, what about champagne?

Fruits - especially strawberries, which of course are classics in the genre.

Nuts, almonds suit him best.

Any mushroom appetizers.

Siren. Hard cheeses such as Parmesan, goat cheese, gouda and cheddar are the most suitable.

Any pasta or risotto, especially if they are with cream or mushroom sauce. Avoid heavy tomato sauces, as their sour taste enhances the acidity of champagne.

Vegetables, fish and seafood, especially caviar, shrimp, crab and lobster.

Birds and game birds, such as duck, are especially suitable for pink champagne. Other meats, such as beef, pork and lamb. It is good for the lamb to be a light alangle. Goose liver is also a great choice.

Asian cuisine is very suitable for dry champagne. Its sour note goes very well with these spicy foods.

Sushi and Mexican food are very suitable for the driest types of champagne.

Almost all types of desserts combined with fruit and fruit creams. Also chocolate, which is a wonderful addition to dry champagne.

Indeed, this drink goes with almost everything, recipes with heavy sauces and strong spices are not recommended because their aroma can prevail over the delicate taste of champagne. And here is a very easy and effective proposal.

Stuffed mushrooms

Remove the stumps of 20-30 medium-sized mushrooms. In a pan with oil, lightly fry 2-3 heads of finely chopped green onions and chopped mushroom stumps. After 2-3 minutes, add a teaspoon of breadcrumbs and 250 grams of grated cheddar, stir until the cheddar melts.

Then remove from the heat and with the resulting stuffing, fill the lightly salted mushrooms. Bake in a greased pan for 12-15 minutes and serve.

After all, everyone is strictly individual in their choice of food, so we have given you just a few guidelines on what you can combine champagne.

It is a wonderful choice of drink that can bring a festive and romantic touch to your family dinners and is also a worthy representative of the festive table.
