Why Is Quince Called A Copper Apple? Reasons To Eat It Often This Winter

Why Is Quince Called A Copper Apple? Reasons To Eat It Often This Winter
Why Is Quince Called A Copper Apple? Reasons To Eat It Often This Winter

The quince tree is a fruit tree known to people from 4 millennia ago. Its botanical name - Cydonia oblonga, quince received from the Cretan city of Kidonia, which is now called Chania.

This autumn fruit is also known as honey applewhich comes from the Greek name melimeon because it was put in honey to make jam. Today, the Portuguese call it marmelo because of the quince marmalade that is made.

The homeland of the quince is the Caucasus region, from where it comes to Europe and settles permanently in the Balkans. Autumn presents its gift to us at a time when the other fruits are already passing. Although astringent in taste, it is a real vitamin bomb, through which autumn charges us for the last time before the cold winter months.

Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, E, PP; The trace elements potassium, calcium, phosphorus and copper, as well as fructose, glucose and pectin, tannins are found in excellent amounts in this neglected fruit.

Quince seeds contain the substance amygdalin, or more vitamin B17. It is a complex cyanide compound with low toxic properties. It has the ability to destroy cancer cells while keeping them healthy.

That's why it's good quinces to eat with seeds both fresh and in jam and marmalade. However, the daily dose should not exceed the quinces eaten, because what is a medicine in small quantities becomes poison in large quantities. Nature skillfully tells us through taste how much we should take from the fruit.

Quince = copper apple
Quince = copper apple

The astringents that give this characteristic taste have unique antiseptic properties. The plant makes them to protect itself from pests that want to eat from it. Thus quince is an ideal tool to fight all kinds of infections and inflammatory processes, from the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, through the digestive system, to the kidneys and urinary tract.

Vitamins, trace elements and aromatic compounds in quince have antibacterial properties. Mucous substances soften the mucous membranes, and pectin reduces bad cholesterol.

Folk medicine prepares various decoctions of quinces for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, as well as asthma, gastritis and cystitis. It also has a hemostatic effect.

For prophylactic purposes best quince to be consumed fresh, as heat treatment loses many valuable substances, especially vitamin C.

You can also prepare fresh fruit juice mixed with the juice of another sweeter than it - apple, pear, grape and others. As it has a tightening effect, it can be combined well with fruits with a laxative effect - plums, pears, kiwis.
