Japanese Scientists Have Proven: White Wine Is Served Only With Fish

Japanese Scientists Have Proven: White Wine Is Served Only With Fish
Japanese Scientists Have Proven: White Wine Is Served Only With Fish

The sommelier's law - to serve meat with red wine and fish - with white, was proved by Japanese scientists, who analyzed almost a hundred varieties of wine for months.

Biochemist Takayuki Tamura gathered tasters to try different combinations of fish and wine.

It turned out that white wine sharpens the taste of fish, and red crosses them and leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Scientists still cannot explain this fact, but it is clear that white wine can be drunk with fish, seafood and most vegetables.

Each wine also contains iron, but its concentration depends on the grape variety, the year of harvest and the place of origin.

Japanese scientists have proven: white wine is served only with fish
Japanese scientists have proven: white wine is served only with fish

In white wine, iron is much less than in red, so it does not interfere with the taste of other products with low iron content such as fish and seafood.

On the other hand, red wine contains high levels of iron radicals and this gives it the ability to enhance the taste of any food.

The tasters, who had been tasting red wine with fish for months, felt the sharpness of the fish's taste. Hence, scientists have concluded that the sommelier's law is true because red wines contain a lot of iron.

But there are exceptions - for example, drinks that are harvested from dry wooded areas, such as the foothills of the Andes.

Chilean red wines are low in iron radicals, so they can be drunk with fish and seafood without compromising their taste. The same goes for rose wines.
