Tangerines Melt Fat

Tangerines Melt Fat
Tangerines Melt Fat

Now is the winter season, during which our lifestyle is not so active, and this is a prerequisite for gaining extra pounds.

Consumption of tangerines helps reduce excess weight and restores damaged liver cells. Researchers from South Korea, who conducted a study with obese students, were convinced of this.

Half of the volunteers exercised and drank tangerine juice for three months. The rest were subjected to a regime that included only sports and dietary food of choice.

It turned out that the participants in the first group lost more weight than their classmates, who limited themselves to exercise. Experts also found that mandarins have a beneficial effect on the liver, restoring its cells.

Tangerine juice is equally useful for both children and adults. Tangerines are also useful in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. They contain a large amount of phenolic amino acid (synephrine), which is a remedy for edema.

Decoction of dried tangerine peels relieves cough and expectorant effect in bronchitis and tracheitis. Decoction of the bark helps to reduce blood sugar levels. The peel of 3 tangerines is boiled for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. It is not filtered. It is taken every day, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Fresh tangerines are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a disorder. Regular use of tangerine juice will save you from helminths. That's what doctors scientifically call worms.

Tangerines improve metabolic processes. The essential oil extracted from the fruit raises the mood. Tangerines have antimicrobial action due to their phytoncide properties.

External application of the juice helps against thrush. Both juice and fruit are effective in dysentery. Orange berries are used as a means of stopping bleeding

Tangerines are also useful in skin diseases - fresh juice kills some fungi. To heal the skin affected by them, repeatedly rub the juice from the fruits or peel of tangerines.

However, be careful with tangerines. As we have learned, they have a number of healing properties, but they can also be significantly harmful. Tangerines can irritate the kidneys, stomach lining and intestines. Therefore, they are not recommended for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, colitis and acute intestinal diseases.
