Good Health Comes With 400 G Of Greens A Day

Good Health Comes With 400 G Of Greens A Day
Good Health Comes With 400 G Of Greens A Day

Eating no more than 400 grams of fruits and vegetables a day is advised by the World Health Organization (WHO), and a new study confirms this information.

Just five servings of greens a day are enough to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, according to publications in the online edition of the British Medical Journal.

Earlier this year, another British study found that to be healthy, we need seven servings of greens a day. The authors of the present study from Harvard University do not agree with this study and found that five servings are the right amount of fruits and vegetables for each person.

They also add that the amounts above this norm will not harm the body, but will not bring any additional benefits. The study was conducted after experts analyzed 16 studies involving more than 830 thousand people.

The results of the current study show that each additional serving of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 4 per 100 and death from any other cause (meaning disease) by 5 per 100.

They grow green
They grow green

Consumption of these five servings will not in any way reduce the risk of various diseases. Researchers have not yet clarified the reason for this.

In fact, these five servings represent 400 grams of fruits and vegetables, which are distributed at 80 grams per serving. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been offering this weight since 2003, claiming that it is the right amount to feel good and healthy.

A serving of greens may include half a bowl of cooked or steamed vegetables. Of course, if you prefer, you can eat them raw.

A portion of fruit is more or less equal to a medium-sized banana or orange, 3 plums, 14 cherries or 7-8 strawberries.
