The Native Pickle With Greens From Three Continents

The Native Pickle With Greens From Three Continents
The Native Pickle With Greens From Three Continents

Here again the weather began to spoil and become cold. According to an old Bulgarian tradition, autumn is the ideal time to prepare winter vegetables, lutenitsa and sauerkraut.

And although each family has its own way of making canned food, one thing is always common - the use of quality Bulgarian products.

This year, greens from three continents will fill the native jars, shows an inspection of the Telegraph in several retail chains. Consumers will be able to buy carrots from the Czech Republic, red cabbage from the Netherlands and gherkins from Macedonia.

Green peppers come to us from Turkey, tomatoes are Greek, garlic is Chinese, and onions are from Egypt.

Looking at the facts in this way, we can not fail to note that the traditional Bulgarian lyutenitsa, which requires tomatoes, onions, carrots, peppers and garlic, has in fact already become international.

According to some recipes, potatoes are also added to lutenitsa, but this year our potatoes have been imported from nowhere.

The reason for the shortage of domestic products in food chains and markets is that this summer due to bad weather conditions the Bulgarian harvest was destroyed by disease. The rains wash away the soil and additional fertilization is required.


Among other things, the torrential rains prevented it from being sprayed and doomed the farmers' efforts to failure. Some farmers have sprayed the produce more than ten times, but the effect is never noticeable.

Almost all crops were affected by the rains. More than half of the farmers estimate that their losses are about 2/3 of their total production, and Bulgarians consume only 10 percent of native fruits and vegetables.

They are mostly bought by people from Sofia and the sea. The few surviving fruits and vegetables are either completely devoid of commercial appearance, or traders prefer to take them abroad because their profits are much better.

There is another reason for the predominance of a diverse foreign harvest in domestic markets. Due to the embargo imposed by Russia on food imports from the EU, a large part of European production was directed to our country.

Thus, it turns out that home-made winter food does not differ much in composition from kupeshka.
