How To Make Icing For A Cake

How To Make Icing For A Cake
How To Make Icing For A Cake

Coat the top of some cakes with icing to make them look more appetizing. The glaze is applied with a brush and then dried in an oven preheated to 60 degrees.

You can glaze cakes. The easy version of the glaze is made from a tea cup of powdered sugar, three tablespoons of water, vanilla and, if desired - food coloring.

Sift the sugar through a sieve, add warm water and vanilla. Heat to forty degrees over low heat, stirring constantly. If the glaze is thick, add water, if it is thin - powdered sugar. It is then stained.

To make the glaze dry faster in the oven and make it tastier, replace the water in the glaze with egg whites. Replace each tablespoon of water with a whipped egg white.

Cake decoration
Cake decoration

Chocolate glaze is prepared from one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of cocoa and half a teaspoon of water. Boil the sugar with the water until it starts to grind like a thick thread.

Add the cocoa and cool the glaze to sixty degrees. To induce the rapid crystallization of the sugar, stir with a spatula, rotating from the middle to the walls of the vessel.

Cake icing
Cake icing

Protein glaze is prepared from one tea cup of sugar, two egg whites, one teaspoon of water, vanilla, aromatic essences, food coloring.

The sugar is boiled with water until a mass is formed when the spoon is removed and the mixture is cooled, which can rotate between the fingers like a ball.

The egg whites are beaten in the snow, and the thick hot syrup is gradually and continuously beaten and poured in a thin stream into the previously beaten egg whites.

Add the food coloring and aromatic substances and heat the glaze to sixty degrees, stirring constantly. Apply with a brush and dry in the oven.

You can replace the sugar with honey, which is thickened by boiling to the required consistency. You can use the icing for sweets - so they will look more beautiful and more delicious.
