Health Benefits Of Capers

Health Benefits Of Capers
Health Benefits Of Capers

There is no dispute about the thousands of health benefits of capers. They are recognized even by traditional science. And how will it not be so. The plant is rich in iodine, phosphorus and potassium, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2 and carotene.

Capers are a kind of medicine for colds and flu, due to the natural antibiotics they contain.

For centuries, monks have added to their salads not only the edible tubers of capers, but also their leaves, stems and flowers. They know about the main function of the plant - to increase immunity.

Capers contain high levels of vitamins, rutin, polyphenols, alkaloids (caparndin) and others. This makes them a wonderful tool for lowering blood pressure. In addition, they have antimicrobial and anti-allergic effects. But be careful - as with anything else, capers should not be overdone.

Overdose can lead to serious consequences, such as dizziness and flatulence. In addition, the consumption of capers increases the intake of sodium. Such a tendency causes fluid retention in the body and an increase in blood pressure.

Benefits of Capers
Benefits of Capers

Capers are widely used in folk medicine. Their bark is used to wash wounds. 2 tsp ground dry bark from the roots and 250 ml of water boil for 15 minutes on low heat. When cool, drain. The infusion is used in people with high blood pressure, toothache and more.

In addition to a unique taste, capers have many health benefits. When you add them to the menu you are investing in the future.

This plant food is rich in fiber. One spoonful of them, added to the salad, carries 0.3 g of fiber. They give a feeling of satiety and prevent constipation. They are also low in calories.

The vitamin K contained in capers is of great importance for bone growth and strength. It promotes cell growth and plays an important role in blood clotting.

Like many other vegetables, capers are rich in iron. It enriches blood cells with oxygen, which nourishes the tissues in the body. Iron is needed for the body to have energy, as well as for cell development and growth.
