Capers - The Gold Of Mediterranean Cuisine

Capers - The Gold Of Mediterranean Cuisine
Capers - The Gold Of Mediterranean Cuisine

The prickly herbaceous plant capers gives wonderful fruits - capers. They represent its underdeveloped buds. It is found all over the world, but its real homeland is the Mediterranean. There, a capercaillie can be seen wrapped around walls, fences or creeping freely on the ground in rocky areas.

In our country, fresh capers are difficult to find, although they are the most delicious and useful. The supply of marinades prevails.

Capers are literally valued as gold by chefs in the Mediterranean. They are used in almost every salad, pasta, pizza, local dish and various sauces. In Italy, or more precisely in the south and on the island of Sicily, there is no dish in which you can not find capers.

They are also one of the main ingredients in the world-famous Tartar sauce. In Greece, on the other hand, it is common practice to offer the developed buds, which bear fruit, as a special type of appetizer.

marinated capers
marinated capers

In the Mediterranean, the consumption of fish is widespread, and one of the most common garnishes for fish are again the delicious capers. They are most suitable for salted and smoked salmon. They correspond well with any type of seafood.

They harmonize beautifully with tomatoes and tomato-based sauces and vegetables with a finer taste such as zucchini and cucumbers. Marinated is served or served in combination with other marinated foods, such as olives, anchovies, pickles and mushrooms.

Fish with capers
Fish with capers

Due to their slightly spicy taste, capers are a great addition to meat dishes. An established combination is this with the aniseed aroma, especially if it is not too intense. Therefore, green balls go well with tarragon, fennel and even dill.

Again in the Mediterranean cuisine, after the intervention of the master chefs, there are a few unusable parts left. Again in Greece, the young twigs and leaves of the caper bush have been introduced into cooking.

These parts are marinated again and also have a slightly peppery taste, typical of capers. They remain pleasantly tough and slightly crispy in the marinade. They are added again to salads and seafood specialties.
