Let's Store Pears For The Winter

Let's Store Pears For The Winter
Let's Store Pears For The Winter

The pear requires 5 to 7 years before it begins to bear fruit and can produce fruit for up to 100 years. Pears are delicious when used raw or used in desserts, salads and confectionery recipes.

The fruit is rich in nutrients, fat-free and low in calories and is rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. Harvesting pears and storing them properly is very important for the quality of the fruit.

When you start picking pears, chop the fruit carefully, protect them from bruises and injuries. It is good to know that if you want to store pears for a longer time, it is good to pick them while they are still slightly green.

Pick the fruit one by one, lift each pear and turn it slightly until it comes off, trying to keep the cap. Work carefully so as not to rub the fruit, which is very delicate.

Let the pears ripen in a cool, dark place with a temperature between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. The fruit should be soft to the touch. The seeds will be brown, but the flesh will still be white or slightly yellow. Most pears can be stored this way for more than two months.

Storage of pears
Storage of pears

Store pears in the refrigerator for longer storage. Choose pears without defect storage, which are still light green. Wrap the pears individually with newspaper or tissue paper and arrange them in one layer in a plastic cup or other suitable container. This procedure slows down the loss of moisture.

Control the temperature of the pears by placing them in a freezer or refrigerator that is set at a temperature of 0 to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius. Remove the pears from the refrigerator about three days before eating to allow them to ripen on the kitchen counter or in a decorative fruit basket.
