How To Store Pears

How To Store Pears
How To Store Pears

Pears are more difficult to store than apples because they have a shorter period of resistance to temperature changes and humidity. But subject to the storage conditions of these delicious autumn fruits you can eat for a long time juicy pears full of vitamins.

The best conditions for storing pears are a temperature of about zero degrees and humidity - about 85 percent. When storing pears, sharp temperature changes in the room should not be allowed, as this causes droplets to fall on the surface of the fruit and spoil them quickly.

Storing pears in rooms with temperatures above zero reduces their shelf life. It also depends on the condition of the fetus, on its maturity. You should only store pears that are not ripe enough, but are no longer green.

Pears should be picked from the tree very carefully without causing mechanical damage to the fruit. The stalks should not be torn off, as this greatly reduces the shelf life of the fruit. Fruits with torn stalks begin to rot and have no chance to be stored for even two weeks.

Once harvested, the pears are sorted by size, degree of ripeness, and fruits that have bumps or rotten spots are discarded or only the healthy parts for jam or compote are used.

Yellow pears
Yellow pears

Ready-to-store pears are arranged in crates. The bottom and walls of the crates are covered with clean paper. The pears are arranged with the stalks up or to the side and paper is placed between the rows of pears so that they do not touch. It is good to arrange the pears in no more than three rows.

It is best to store pears in a ventilated place. With good storage, pears can last up to four months. Inspect pears regularly, as some fruits can rot and damage others.
