The Famine Treatment Of Lidia Kovacheva - What To Expect

The Famine Treatment Of Lidia Kovacheva - What To Expect
The Famine Treatment Of Lidia Kovacheva - What To Expect

The name of Lydia Kovacheva is well known not only to those who want to lose weight, but also to those suffering from various diseases, because starvation treatment is not only a method for weight loss, but also for the treatment of a number of diseases, for rejuvenation and renewal of the immune system and the vital forces in general.

Healing fasting is a very old method known since ancient times. Today it is deliberately neglected and doomed to oblivion due to the interests of various industries affected by the ability of the human body to regenerate itself.

There are different ways of fasting and some of them are quite aggressive towards the body, but there are also light and pleasant. One of them offers Lydia Kovacheva. This is starvation with a fruit diet and herbal teas.

What foods can be taken during the starvation treatment of Lydia Kovacheva?

The traditional diet is stopped completely, replacing the food with 800 grams of fresh fruit per day. The liquids are replaced with herbal tea, allowing it to be flavored with honey and lemon.

Tea and fruit alternate every 2 hours, but should not be taken at the same time to avoid fermentation in the stomach. They can eat less than 800 grams of fruit, but by no means more.

What effect can be expected from the famine treatment of Lydia Kovacheva

When conducting such a diet, the body turns on auto power mode. What is it?

When the right conditions are created, that is, the body is deprived of the constant flow of various foods, it no longer has so much work to break down food and begins to self-cleanse, breaking down slag, fat and diseased cells, turning them into energy.

Every body has accumulated toxins for years, fats or harmful substances and their destruction is a task facing the body, but it fails to finish, busy with the constant influx of food from countless meals. They accumulate in various places on the body - around the waist, thighs and other well-known places.

When curative fasting a process of decomposition of these harmful deposits in the body and at the same time the formation of new healthy cells, ie the body regenerates.

What should be the duration of Lidia Kovacheva's famine treatment?

The famine treatment of Lydia Kovacheva
The famine treatment of Lydia Kovacheva

The best option is to last 20 days and do it at least twice a year.

The duration can be halved or even reduced 5-day fast has an effect.

On the second day, fat deposits begin to melt.

On the eighth day, the toxins in the internal organs are broken down.

After 15-16 days, a renewal process begins in the eyes and ears.

Therefore, the body is given 20 days to cleanse all places where there are harmful accumulations.

What effects should be expected from the starvation treatment of Lydia Kovacheva?

First, the body will get rid of excess weight. You can expect to lose 3-5 pounds. More important than losing weight, however, is improving health, restoring vitality, youthful radiance, relieving mental stress.

In the middle of fasting there will be something like a crisis, when the desire to eat will increase a lot and it will be a serious challenge to the will. Acne pimples may appear, the tongue will also be covered. This is evidence that the body needs cleansing. All this will subside in a few days.

How to conduct the feeding after the end of the healing hunger?

The famine treatment of Lidia Kovacheva - what to expect
The famine treatment of Lidia Kovacheva - what to expect

Power is almost as important as it is starvation. If not done correctly, all the work done at will be destroyed healing hunger.

Feeding is gradual, initially only raw vegetables are included at lunch. On the third day, steamed vegetables can be included. Cereals can be added on the sixth day. On the seventh day nuts are included, on the eighth day - dairy products. On the ninth day, the legumes are included. On the tenth day you can eat all the foods already included, but the portions should be small and eaten at the appropriate time.

What can we get from the healing hunger of Lydia Kovacheva?

The famine treatment of Lydia Kovacheva cures all diseases, except those in the last stage, but even then the condition can improve. In order to have a lasting effect, this fasting should be done several times in the beginning, and once a year in the following years. It is also good to have 1 day of fasting every week to help the body in its regenerating role.

See more:

- The golden advice of the nutritionist Dr. Emilova;

- Dietary regime of Dr. Gaydurkov.
