We Expect A Record Jump In Cashew Prices

We Expect A Record Jump In Cashew Prices
We Expect A Record Jump In Cashew Prices

Vietnam's cashew imports will rise by up to 40 percent, and the reason for the high values is the drought in the Asian country. This necessitated an increase in the wholesale price to $ 9,000 per ton.

Domestic traders say that the prices of nuts remain stable for now, but since the bulk of cashews in Bulgaria are supplied by Vietnam, it is very likely that it will rise in price in the coming weeks.

In our country, cashews are delivered at prices between BGN 15 and 17 per kilogram without VAT. Retail packaged raw cashews are offered for BGN 27 per kilogram, and baked cashews are BGN 1 more expensive, Monitor newspaper writes.

In the last few years there has been a real boom in the demand for cashews not only in our country but all over the world. Cashews are a leader in the sale of nuts, according to the International Council of Producers of Walnuts and Dried Fruits.

The largest buyer of cashews in the world is India with 220,000 tons per year, followed by the United States and China with 130,000 tons and 50,000 tons, respectively.


The main producer country is Vietnam with a share of 58%, but this year exports are expected to be several times lower.

Almonds and hazelnuts, which are also mainly imported, have also risen in price since the beginning of the year. For the period March-August, the most expensive hazelnuts were delivered from Turkey, whose values reached BGN 40 per kilogram.

Almonds in our markets are imported mainly from the United States, and their wholesale prices by October this year have reached 24 levs per kilogram. Cheaper are raw almonds, whose values are about 22 levs per kilogram.
