How To Stop Eating Junk Food: 10 Tips For Controlling Hunger

How To Stop Eating Junk Food: 10 Tips For Controlling Hunger
How To Stop Eating Junk Food: 10 Tips For Controlling Hunger

Afternoon is the time when almost every office worker starts looking for something to eat. The so-called junk food (junk food) - fast foods such as waffles, chips, snacks, small chocolate bars, etc., are an easy way to satisfy your hunger.

Believe it or not, the producers of these foods often create them in order to make us addicted to them. We begin to feel the urge to eat these foods constantly. Our brain reacts by becoming addicted to them. But how to deal with it?

Here are 10 tips for hunger control and how to stop eating junk food?

1. Plan

There is no better way to control your appetite than to plan your meals. If you have healthy foods around you such as fruit or a handful of nuts, it is very unlikely that you will reach for chips or waffles. So try to plan your meals every week on Sunday or the day before the start of your work week. Shop only the groceries you need.

2. Pass the food stand in the store

Junk Food
Junk Food

The health, dairy, meat and fish sectors should be your main shopping venues. Here you will find real food, not highly processed foods. When shopping, try to buy products only from these shelves. Fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins, nuts - over time you will very quickly begin to navigate the store and find these foods.

3. Eat healthy fats

One of the most common myths about nutrition is that fat makes us fat. In fact, our body needs fat! However, there are many different types of fats. You should avoid trans fats and limit saturated fats, but healthy fats such as nuts and avocados will help you feel full and reduce your appetite.

4. Eat enough protein

Fish, beans, vegetables, nuts - focus on these healthy proteins. They will keep them full for a long time and you will not feel hungry after consuming them. And the desire for junk food it will quickly disappear with time.

5. Eat more fruit

Eat fruit to control hunger
Eat fruit to control hunger

Fruits contain a lot of sugar, but there are also many vitamins, antioxidants and water. They also contain fiber, which is good for digestion and blood sugar levels. Therefore, a bowl of fruit or a piece of watermelon, if you want something sweet in the afternoon at the office, is the perfect solution.

6. Eat a variety of foods

Add some new and different foods to your diet. The more varied your diet, the less likely you are to get bored or want to eat. junk food. For example, add purple potatoes, red beets, red cabbage, broccoli - the more color there is in your plate, the better.

7. Start thinking about junk food differently

A study in 2013 showed that when people were trained to look at and interpret one of their favorite junk food in a negative light, the desire for them decreased. Participants were asked to see the desired food in several different ways - such as seeing it when it has already been processed or seeing each other after eating it, and more.

8. Focus on adding healthy foods to your menu

Eat healthy foods, not junk food
Eat healthy foods, not junk food

A study in the journal Nutrients found that focusing on the positive side of a healthy diet was more effective than focusing on the need to eliminate unhealthy foods.

9. Avoid stress

There is almost always an emotional element in eating junk food. People are more likely to reach for chips or waffles when they are upset or angry. So try to avoid stress by starting to exercise - run or go swimming or yoga. Meditation also helps a lot to deal with stress.

10. Sleep more

Sleep more to control hunger
Sleep more to control hunger

Most people do not get enough sleep. And lack of sleep is also thought to play a big role in our desire to eat junk food. So make an effort or go to bed earlier every night. You can also stop eating for a few hours before going to bed.
