Alkaline-acid Nutrition

Alkaline-acid Nutrition
Alkaline-acid Nutrition

From an early age we are constantly taught that the human body is composed mainly of water. For this reason, pH levels affect the whole body and are often an indicator of a disease.

An unbalanced pH means that these levels have become too acidic or too alkaline over a long period of time. Quite logically, a prolonged imbalance of one kind or another is not well accepted by the body.

The strict one alkaline-acid balance of the body and the various organs in it are necessary for the normal functioning of over 4000 enzymes that catalyze all biochemical processes in tissues and cells, maintain metabolism, renew our body and protect it from infections.

If we import acidic foods, the body begins to draw alkaline elements from our stores in order to be able to neutralize this acidity and maintain the neutral pH of the blood and fluid. Our body is not able to compensate for this acid imbalance forever, and when we abuse an unbalanced diet for a long time, the moment comes when we get sick.

It follows that the contents of our plate are of great importance. Is one food is alkaline or acidic is determined mainly by its mineral content. For example, some of the forming elements are potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and the acid-forming elements are phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, manganese. With each food imported into our body, we change the acid-alkaline environment - if we eat food with an acidic pH, it means that we bring acidity.

An interesting fact is that the sour taste of a food has nothing to do with whether it is acidic or not. Ripe lemons are sour, but fall into the category of alkaline foods, because the mineral content of alkaline trace elements in lemons is very high and, entering our body, brings alkalinity. In summary, ripe fruits and vegetables and some herbs are alkalizing.


Acidifying are coffee, meat proteins, animal fats, refined foods, synthetic vitamins, all E's and artificial additives (colorants, leavening agents, preservatives, artificial sweeteners), soft drinks, medicines, heat-treated food. The more vitamins and minerals a food contains, the more alkalizing it is.

The alkaline diet became the latest hit among Hollywood stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow and many others.

If you decide to try the alkaline mode, it is wise to start with small changes - in the end it may not be as difficult as it seems, and the long-term health benefits such as increased energy levels and weight loss are worth the experience.

The main message of this diet is positive - to eat more green vegetables, drink more water and eat as little fast food as possible.
