Foods That Strengthen Nerve Cells

Foods That Strengthen Nerve Cells
Foods That Strengthen Nerve Cells

It is widely claimed that when a person loses nerve cells, it is an irreversible process, ie. - nerve cells do not recover.

However, a recent study says that such regeneration is possible, but would cost a lot of effort.

So that you do not have to lose and restore the nerve cells you need, focus on the following foods:

Dairy products

In addition to being essential foods, they are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and muscles. They contain valuable proteins, easily digestible fats, the useful sugar lactose, as well as a large amount of calcium. For people with lactose intolerance, they can easily replace fresh with yogurt.



Among the most carbohydrate-rich fruits, they contain substances that stop the rapid movement of sugar in the blood. 1/6 of the magnesium needed by the human body per day is contained in 1 banana. Magnesium, as well as potassium and vitamin B6 are so necessary for the formation of muscle tissue, strengthen bones and nerve cells.



It is recommended to include fish in your menu at least 2-3 times a week. Fish is good for the brain and nerve cells, actively contributing to their regeneration.


Black chocolate
Black chocolate

The beta-carotene contained in them has a positive effect on the skin and eyes. The flavonoid luteolin helps to reduce the memory deficit associated with age and inflammatory processes in the brain. It also helps prevent serious neurological diseases and nerve cell loss.


Herbal teas
Herbal teas

Soy strengthens the overall nervous system and improves cognition. This is due to the content of many lecithin and vitamins.

Black chocolate

It helps produce "happy" hormones. By eating a little natural dark chocolate, you will be able to calm your excited nerve cells and prevent their unnecessary loss.

Sour fruits

They contain natural fruit sugar, which develops brain activity and strengthens the immune system. It provides support through vitamin C, which reduces stress and restores normal [blood pressure values] and cortisol, which increase as a result of a stressful situation.

Fruits and vegetables

They are always useful for everything. A balanced diet with daily doses of fruits and vegetables is a must. Think about it if you eat pizza, sandwiches, burgers and drink coffee and fizzy drinks uncontrollably all day long.

Natural teas

Regular consumption of chamomile teas, green tea and herbal teas strengthens the immune system and regulates the nervous system.
