Importance Of Linolenic Fatty Acid For Our Health

Importance Of Linolenic Fatty Acid For Our Health
Importance Of Linolenic Fatty Acid For Our Health

Fatty acids have complex names and are not as well known as other biologically active substances such as vitamins. However, essential or essential fatty acids are essential for the health and life of every person.

One of them is the so-called linolenic acid.

Its importance has long been underestimated in the scientific community, because the signs of linoleic fatty acid deficiency were more noticeable than doctors and scientists. And they are also quite disturbing. For example, the lack of linoleic acid leads to growth arrest and severe skin diseases, which due to the unpleasant consequences for humans have long hidden the effect of the lack of acid.

It is now known that linolenic acid is essential for the normal functioning of the retina in humans. It belongs to the group of omega-3 fatty acids, and they are known to be indispensable for the formation of nerve cells, for example.

Eskimos rarely suffer from cancer and autoimmune diseases. This is due to the fact that they consume a very large amount of fish compared to people from other parts of the world, and seafood is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which has become a prevention of cancer and autoimmune diseases in this group of people.

Despite the need to consume foods containing linolenic acid, attention should be paid to overdose, because this will interfere with the body's normal metabolism and will block the conversion of linolenic acid into arachidonic acid (also a fatty acid). And high levels of arachidonic acid increase the risk of cancer. For this reason, nutritionists advise to follow a well-balanced diet in which all biologically active ingredients are within optimal limits.

At the moment, it is not possible to say with certainty which fats provide the greatest health benefits. There seems to be a recent trend to focus on clarifying health risks rather than benefits.

However, the dietary fatty acids that come to the fore in terms of preventing coronary heart disease and cancer are those in the group of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

More and more research is proving a strong correlation between fish consumption and a reduction in the incidence of myocardial infarction. For example, docosahexaenoic acid, from the group of omega-6 fatty acids, is extremely important for young children. It improves the memory capacity of the brain, its deficiency is associated with the development of alcohol syndrome, depression and aggressive hostility. It can be found in fatty fish, breast milk, meat and eggs. This is one of the reasons why mothers prefer to breastfeed their babies when possible.

Linolenic acid can be obtained not only from fish products but also from vegetable oils. It is present in many of them, such as walnuts and soy. But its richest source is linseed oil.

A well-balanced diet will bring many health benefits at any age.
