The Perfect Daily Children's Menu

The Perfect Daily Children's Menu
The Perfect Daily Children's Menu

We offer you ideas for a healthy daily children's menu (lunch, breakfast and afternoon snack), offered by baby nutritionists.

For breakfast

Breakfast cereals (preferably whole grains) with milk and fruit. This quick-cooking dish will provide the child's body with an abundance of nutrients, including carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, folic acid and zinc. In the long run, this breakfast will reduce the risks of overweight, high cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of adolescents.


Pizza made from wholemeal dough + vegetable topping and orange juice.

Low-fat fruit yogurt + toasted slice of wholemeal bread + orange juice.

Mashed fruits with yogurt + wholemeal toast.

Scrambled eggs with toasted wholemeal slice and orange juice.

Waffles baked from wholemeal porridge stuffed with butter, finely chopped (or crushed) almonds, peanuts, soy or sunflower seeds and a glass of milk.

For lunch

The perfect daily children's menu
The perfect daily children's menu

Vegetable soup or steamed vegetables.

Rice with peas and carrots.

Rice with soy sprouts.

Hungry children would enjoy eating whatever you have on hand. That is why it is necessary to have in your kitchen only healthy products for fast food, some of which can be eaten outside the home. Afternoon breakfast may include:

Sandwiches made from wholemeal bread, egg and raw vegetables.

Peanut butter spread on a dry hard biscuit (cracker).

Fruit and yogurt.

Cereals with fresh skim milk.

Popcorn + orange juice.

Roasted soybeans and other nuts.

Low-fat cheese spread on wholemeal toast or biscuit.

Small sandwiches with lyutenitsa or tomato sauce with chopped vegetables.

How to lure naughty children to the table?

The perfect daily children's menu
The perfect daily children's menu

Experiment. If you have time, prepare the food or the decoration on the sandwiches in the shape of the child's favorite cartoon character. Make the rice colorful by adding peas, carrots, corn, broccoli. Make up a short story for each dish.

Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in their menu and inform them what is good for what and who likes it, for example, bunnies love carrots, etc. Remember that children are like soft clay, acquire the shape with which you sculpt them. Teach them how important it is to eat healthily and tell them how food will make them strong and ready to achieve their every dream.
