How To Make Your Own Sour Cream

How To Make Your Own Sour Cream
How To Make Your Own Sour Cream

Nowadays, one can get a variety of products from almost any major store, and sour cream is sold virtually everywhere. However, it is among the risky products, as it spoils quite quickly if not stored properly.

In addition, what applies to it is also true to most of the things we buy from outside, namely - we do not know what it really contains and how much its content is good for our health.

That is why it is good to learn how to make sour cream yourself, especially if there is a place to get homemade milk. Remember, however, that you must also buy them from reliable sources. Proven recipe for making sour cream is as follows:

Sour cream from homemade milk

Necessary products: 5 liters of fresh milk, 2 tablespoons of yogurt.


Method of preparation: Bring the milk to a boil and leave for about 7 minutes, after which the stove is stopped. During cooking you will see that cream will form, which you need to quickly scoop with a spoon and put in a separate container. This continues until you are able to scrape off the whole cream, and if necessary, you can heat the milk again.

Then ferment the extracted cream with the yoghurt, stir lightly and leave the bowl with the semi-finished cream covered on top with a towel to stand for 5 hours. It is important that the mixture is warm. After the necessary time has passed, you will have ready sour cream.

Here is an even easier option, which again uses a purchased, not a home product.

Sour cream made from liquid cream and lemon juice

Required products: 250 ml of liquid cream of 35%, 3 tablespoons lemon juice

Method of preparation: Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the liquid cream and mix lightly with a spoon. Taste and, if necessary, add the remaining spoonful of lemon juice. The mixture is left for about 20 minutes and then the sour cream thus obtained is ready for use.

No matter which recipe you choose to try, remember that after you make the sour cream and it has stayed long enough in the described ways, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

We also offer you some delicious recipes with cream:

- Pudding with cottage cheese and cream;

- Baked potatoes with ham and cream;

- Strawberry cream with cream;

- Cake with two types of milk and cream;

- Mushrooms with cream and cheese.
