Make Your Own Mozzarella

Video: Make Your Own Mozzarella

Video: Make Your Own Mozzarella
Video: 30 Minute Homemade Fresh Mozzarella Cheese 2024, September
Make Your Own Mozzarella
Make Your Own Mozzarella

The best mozzarella is made from buffalo milk, but if not available, you can also use cow's milk. You need chlorine-free water, preferably distilled, as well as pepsin or cheese yeast.

One liter of milk is heated to 25 degrees. Dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water and slowly add it to the milk, stirring constantly.

Slowly heat the milk to 30 degrees, remembering to stir it. Dissolve the cheese yeast or two pepsin pills in half a glass of water and add to the milk.

Once heated to 40 degrees, remove from the heat. It must have already crossed. Cover with a lid and leave for twenty minutes. At this time, finely chop the petals of a sprig of basil.

Tomatoes with mozzarella
Tomatoes with mozzarella

The milk has become a mixture with the density of cream. The whey should be clear and with a slight yellowish tinge. Cut into small pieces or mash well with a wooden spoon.

Transfer the mixture to a colander and drain by pressing by hand. The cheese should now look like a homogeneous paste. Put the cheese in water at a temperature of 60 degrees until it begins to become plastic.

Using rubber gloves, stretch the hot cheese, which should be drawn like chewing gum. Add salt, basil, and put back in the hot water.

Then remove again and repeat the procedure two or three times until the cheese gets its usual texture. If you want your mozzarella to be soft and tender, do not overdo these procedures.

If you wish, you can not add salt and basil, but with it the mozzarella becomes more pleasant to the taste. Before storing the mozzarella in the refrigerator, give it its characteristic round shape.
