Blood Loves Hot Peppers

Blood Loves Hot Peppers
Blood Loves Hot Peppers

Hot peppers and other spicy foods can have a positive effect on blood pressure, Chinese scientists from the Military Medical University have found.

Hot peppers contain the substance capsaicin, which gives them a hot taste. The study, reported by the Daily Mail, showed that capsaicin caused blood vessels to relax.

Chinese scientists have experimented with laboratory mice that suffer from hypertension. After the rodents were subjected to a diet rich in capsaicin, their blood pressure gradually returned to normal.


This is not the first time researchers have studied the link between capsaicin and lower blood pressure. In previous studies, researchers have focused on the short-term effects of the substance, not its long-term effects.

Scientists have yet to develop a method by which capsaicin is extracted to develop a number of new drugs to treat hypertension.

However, spicy and spicy spices should not be overdone. With many of them, the dishes acquire aroma and pleasant color, but the hotness should be carefully dosed. And especially in the spring, when complaints of gastritis and ulcers become more frequent.

The abuse of spices causes disease changes in the lining of the digestive system or exacerbates existing inflammation, burdens the bile, liver, pancreas, kidneys.
