Hot Peppers Fight Cholesterol

Hot Peppers Fight Cholesterol
Hot Peppers Fight Cholesterol

One of the most popular vegetables on the Bulgarian table is pepper. It is included in many dishes and can be consumed alone. And in addition to its exceptional taste, it also delights us with a bouquet of valuable substances.

As early as the 17th century, doctors and healers prescribed crushed small pieces of pepper to sciatica sufferers. The recipe for solving the problems with digestion and gas excretion was similar.

Today, modern medicine confirms the healing power of this delicious vegetable. Peppers have been shown to have the ability to stimulate gastric secretion. They are also among the richest sources of vitamins. Interestingly, the more ripe the fruit, the more vitamins it contains.


Peppers are rich in vitamin B complex. Red peppers have 30 times more carotene than greens, but greens have 4-5 times more vitamin C than lemons. Only black currants approach them.

It is therefore advisable to include peppers in the menu of people suffering from anemia, as the good ratio of vitamins C and P helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This vitamin P is found mainly in red and yellow combs, which is most useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Of the varieties of peppers, hot peppers are considered the most useful. The hot "relatives" of the peppers have a similar effect to theirs. This is due to the presence of the alkaloid capsaicin, which causes hotness. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates the appetite and has a beneficial effect on the nerves.

Green hot peppers
Green hot peppers

Capsaicinoids, which give peppers their spiciness, have another interesting application. Recently, scientists from Hong Kong found that it is hot peppers that protect against heart disease.

A study was conducted in which two groups of hamsters were subjected to a high cholesterol diet. They were then given a group of foods with varying amounts of capsaicinoids. After the analysis, it was found that spicy substances lower the levels of bad cholesterol by reducing the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and increase its breakdown and excretion.

In addition, they block the action of a gene that causes arteries to constrict, restricting blood flow to the heart and other organs. As a result, the muscles relax and expand, thus increasing blood flow.

It follows that capsaicinoids are beneficial in improving a number of factors related to heart health and normal blood pressure. It's all a matter of balance.
