How To Grow Spices In A Pot

How To Grow Spices In A Pot
How To Grow Spices In A Pot

Yes you are grow spices in a pot is probably the easiest and most enjoyable job, suitable even for not so good gardening. Even a single plant planted in a small pot on the windowsill will give you the maximum.

Spices love light, last without water and in general - require minimal care. And since they are annual plants, during the summer season you can enjoy their greenery, and you will not have to take care of them during the other seasons. Compared to garden plants, spices have immunity against diseases. If desired or necessary, they can always be moved from the pot to the garden.

The first thing we need to do when we decide to we grow spices in a pot, is the selection of the appropriate vessel. This is anyone who has enough soil and holes to drain excess water. Draining is very important, because if it is not drained, the roots of the plant easily die.

Questions such as the shape and material of the box are a personal choice. However, porcelain would be a good option, not only because it always looks good, but also because its pores leak enough water and help cool the soil. And this is beneficial for the cultivated plant.

Another suitable material that your chest can be made of is stone. It is stable, cold-resistant, but quite expensive and difficult to move. It seems that the most suitable for this purpose are wooden containers, so natural looking.

When plant the desired spices, leave them on the window, where to enjoy the natural sunlight for 5-6 hours.

As for watering spices in a pot, do it whenever you notice that the soil is dry. During the spring-summer season the spices need to be fertilized every 2-3 weeks. There are special organic fertilizers on the market for potted plants that you should use. One trick to growing fast is to prune your herbs regularly.

The best time for creating an herb garden is the month of March, and you can plant seeds or seedlings of the desired plants. It is important if you choose to plant with seeds, to cover them tightly with a layer of soil. Until the herbs sprout, it is important to water them daily.

If you want to create your own mini garden in a month other than March, you can take already grown herbs in pots and continue growing them at home. After a while, transplant them, leaving a space between them. If you decide to plant several herbs in one large pot, know that the hanging ones should be located at the edges and the bushy ones in the middle of the pot so that they do not interfere.

In addition to the traditional pots, you can choose a hanging basket to put on the terrace, if you have the opportunity - a real green paradise! In it you can grow thyme, dill, basil or hanging rosemary.

You need to think carefully about what spices you will grow, whether you will dry some of them or use them fresh. For example, mint, savory and rosemary are suitable for drying and can be stored in jars. Some you can freeze - dill, parsley, etc. Choose according to your culinary preferences.

Drying of spices

Drying of spices
Drying of spices

Drying the herbs is easiest when you cut the stems as desired, make a bouquet and tie it, leaving it to hang in a suitably dry and cool place. It is not good to dry herbs in the sun, because they lose their taste and useful properties. When the spices are dry, grind them with your hands and put them in jars.

Freezing spices

As for freezing the spices, take the desired ones, cut them into small pieces, put in a bag and in the freezer. You can also make impressive ice cubes with spices. Fill a form with water, sprinkle spices in them and freeze. Quite an effective way to freeze is obtained.

Here are some examples of how to proceed in the cultivation of certain types of herbs.

Growing lavender in a pot

This beautiful spice needs wide pots and light, aerated and nutrient-rich soil. It, like all other spices, loves the sun, but can also grow in colorful shade. It needs abundant watering, hoeing and pruning of the stems after flowering, and should not be cut too deep. The seeds are planted in March and April. You can use as an additive to desserts, fruit cakes, syrups. Dried lavender is used to make an extremely effective soothing tea.

Growing oregano in a pot

Growing oregano in a pot
Growing oregano in a pot

Oregano is a heat-loving plant that loves the sun. Plant it in a large pot to make it feel good. There is no danger of frost, it is not pretentious to watering. It can withstand partial drought if you forget to water it. As soon as flowering occurs, the flowers are cut with the stalks and dried. Aromatic leaves can also be used green, without flowering. In addition to the well-known oregano, there are 2 other varieties - variegated and yellow oregano. They are also used in cooking, but can also be beautiful houseplants. The seeds are planted in March and April. The spice is used to flavor meat and vegetable dishes, as an addition to salads and sauces.

Growing devesil in a pot

Allows planting in spring and autumn (from March to September). Loves sunny and places with partial shade. It is used mainly for meat dishes, especially for lamb, soups, beans, fish soups. If you are wondering whether to freeze or dry it, know that frozen leaves have a more pronounced taste and aroma.

Growing thyme in a pot

Spices in a pot
Spices in a pot

It will delight you with its colors during the summer season. Extremely beautiful, fragrant and useful, it has no special requirements for its owners, as long as you protect it from harsh winters. It needs drained soil and sun. It is suitable for seasoning meat dishes, soups, vegetable dishes, fish dishes. Dried thyme makes a wonderful aromatic tea. The seeds are planted in the period - March-May.

Growing rosemary in a pot

Extremely unpretentious. Its only requirement is fertilizing every month, fresh air and sunlight. He tolerates drought, too much water even makes him feel bad.

Growing basil in a pot

Green spices in pots
Green spices in pots

Requires soil treated with fertilizers, best bought. It is desirable to spray its leaves with water, especially in the morning. It is also useful as an active mosquito repellent from home during the summer season. Basil seeds are planted in the period February-April. It is good to prune it before flowering, because otherwise it loses its wonderful aroma. Use in meat dishes, soups, salads and legumes.

Growing savory in a pot

The most beloved spice in Bulgarian cuisine is not difficult to grow at home, so each of you can grow it yourself and always have on hand the fragrant miracle. It is cold-loving, loves dry, light and limestone-saturated soil. Water moderately only after the soil is visibly dry. The seeds are planted in April and May. She is one of the few perennial spices. It grows in the sun.

Growing mint in a pot

Growing mint in a pot
Growing mint in a pot

We all love its scent. One of the most preferred for growing in a pot of spices. Use it to season vegetable dishes, soups, sauces and salads. You can use fresh petals to decorate dishes, desserts and cocktails. Dried mint is used to make aromatic herbal tea, whose taste is irreplaceable. When growing mint, it is important to prune regularly after it grows, because it encourages its growth. He loves the sun. The seeds are planted in the period from February to June.

Growing balm in a pot

A spice with a delicate lemon aroma, which is used in the preparation of fish dishes, vegetable dishes and chicken dishes. You can also add to the meat marinade. Dried balm leaves make a very pleasant herbal tea. Collect the petals before flowering, because then they lose their aroma. Lemongrass seeds are planted in April-May. The plant loves sunny and partial shade.

Growing parsley in a pot

Growing parsley in a pot
Growing parsley in a pot

A great addition to any dish for those who love it. It grows in the sun or in partial shade. Parsley seeds are planted in March and April.

Growing dill in a pot

One of the most used spices, suitable for soups, chicken dishes, eggs, etc. Grows well in sunny places. Its seeds are planted from February to May.

It remains to enjoy the harvest of spices in pots.
