Fruit Combinations For The Most Useful Fresh Fruit

Fruit Combinations For The Most Useful Fresh Fruit
Fruit Combinations For The Most Useful Fresh Fruit

Juices are a priceless treasure that nature has given us. They are an important source of vitamins and trace elements. And did you know that the largest amount of vitamins and trace elements is contained in freshly squeezed juice? But only 20 minutes after squeezing, their amount drops sharply, so it is important to drink the juice immediately.

Here are some combinations for making natural juices for your health and well-being.

Carrot + ginger + apple = Increase immunity and purify the circulatory system.

Apple + cucumber + celery = Prevent cancer, lower cholesterol and eliminate stomach upset and headaches.

Tomato + carrot + apple = Improve facial skin color and eliminate bad breath.

Orange + ginger + cucumber = Improve skin structure, moisturize and reduce body temperature.

Pineapple + apple + watermelon = Help to remove excess salt, maintain the health of the bladder and kidneys.

Fruit combinations for the most useful fresh fruit
Fruit combinations for the most useful fresh fruit

Apple + cucumber + kiwi = To improve facial skin.

Pear + banana = Regulate the sugar content in the body.

Carrot + apple + pear + mango = Reduce temperature, counteract toxic elements, lower blood pressure.

Melon + grapes + watermelon + milk = They are rich in vitamin C + vitamin B2, which increases cell activity and strengthens the immune system.

Papaya + pineapple + milk = Rich in vitamin C, E, iron. The juice helps to improve skin color and metabolism.

Banana + pineapple + milk = Rich in vitamins and nutrients, prevent constipation.
