Eat Apples And Tomatoes For Healthy Lungs

Eat Apples And Tomatoes For Healthy Lungs
Eat Apples And Tomatoes For Healthy Lungs

Three apples and two tomatoes a day will slow down the natural aging of the lungs and restore the damage after smoking, US scientists told the Daily Mail.

Former smokers will benefit most from apples and tomatoes. However, to have an effect, you need to eat apples and tomatoes fresh. Canned juices and fruits will not have such a positive effect on your body.

John Hopkins University adds that ex-smokers will best feel the benefits of eating apples and tomatoes every day.

The experiments involved 650 people over the age of 30 who stopped smoking, but their lungs were damaged by tobacco smoke.

Eat apples and tomatoes for healthy lungs
Eat apples and tomatoes for healthy lungs

For 10 years, they ate 3 apples and 2 tomatoes twice a day, and the final results were a recovery of the lungs. Scientists add that you can not immediately expect the effect of a healthy diet, but in the long run it will have a positive effect.

After the age of 30, lung function begins to decline, and the fact that you are an ex-smoker will further complicate your health at a later age.

But if you change your diet you will reduce the risk of emphysema, acute bronchitis and other diseases under the general term obstructive pulmonary disease, which also affect the cardiovascular system.
