About The Benefits Of Basmati Rice

About The Benefits Of Basmati Rice
About The Benefits Of Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is one of the most useful types of rice. It grows in the foothills of the Himalayas in northern India and in areas of Pakistan near the Indian border.

This long white rice owes its unique taste and aroma to the special soil in the area and to the special climatic conditions in which it grows.

Rice is so famous for its qualities because it absorbs the best of the area in which it is grown - the purity of the spring water and the beautiful mountain air.

The word basmati translated from Hindi means fragrant, this variety of rice is recognized worldwide as the best variety. Basmati has a pleasant aroma and exquisite taste.

The aroma of basmati is very reminiscent of the aroma of popcorn. Its grains are longer than those of ordinary rice, and when cooked they lengthen even more. Basmati is suitable for preparing all dishes with rice, and is best suited for combining with meat and various types of sauces.

Basmati Rice Salad
Basmati Rice Salad

Basmati rice has a high content of amylase - an enzyme that converts starch into oligosaccharides. Basmati contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins and vitamin PP.

Due to the high amount of amylase, basmati rice is recommended for people who suffer from problems with the pancreas, for women who suffer from toxicity during pregnancy, as well as for various liver problems.

Basmati rice has a mild effect on the lining of the stomach, so it is recommended for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Basmati rice is recommended when following a diet, as it saturates the body and reduces the feeling of hunger. If you regularly consume basmati, you will enjoy radiant skin.

Due to the high percentage of amylase, basmati rice is not recommended for people suffering from acute or chronic pancreatitis, diabetes, biliary tract diseases, stomach trauma.

C basmati rice you can prepare traditional chicken with rice, our favorite pork with rice, tender veal with rice or Easter lamb with rice for your table.
