What Do You Know About Basmati Rice?

What Do You Know About Basmati Rice?
What Do You Know About Basmati Rice?

Basmati rice is also called the "King of Rice". In Hindi, "basmati" means fragrant.

Basmati rice is grown at the foot of the Himalayas. It has thin and long aromatic grains, as well as a specific and rich taste. It is used for preparing all dishes and side dishes of Eastern cuisine, as well as for desserts.

The difference between the basmati variety and ordinary rice lies in the grains. Its are longer and thinner, and in heat treatment emphasize their shape. It is most often boiled in a closed vessel, but can also be fried or baked.

Types of Rice
Types of Rice

For thousands of years in countries such as India, China and Malaysia, rice has been the staple food. 45% of the world's population also subsists on this cereal.

According to the Indian science of nutrition and health - Ayurveda, the body is characterized by three doshas (energies): kafa (water and earth), pita (fire and water) and vata (air and space). Each person is characterized by the supremacy of one of the doshas within himself.

Basmati rice is believed to be suitable for all three doshas. Followers of Ayurveda prefer it to paddy rice, as it is easier to digest and does not burden the stomach. It is also preferred over plain white rice because it contains less starch, does not clog the intestines and has a cooling effect. Basmati rice is also suitable and widespread among yoga practitioners, as it gives ascetic power.

Rice Salad
Rice Salad

The preparation of basmati rice is no different from that of ordinary rice. Before cooking, soak in cold water for about half an hour, then boil with a little fat. This variety is extremely rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and carbohydrates, but has low levels of cellulose, fat and protein.

Basmati rice with vegetables and mushrooms

Necessary products: 100 g Basmati rice, 150-200 g mushrooms, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, a cube of vegetable broth, salt, pepper, 1 lemon, juice and peel of 1-2 slices of lemon to taste.

Preparation: Finely chop the vegetables and mushrooms. Fry in a little fat, and when soft, add the rice. When it is steamed, it is filled with water in a ratio of 1 to 4.

Then add the cube of broth, salt to taste and pepper. The dish is ready in about 15 minutes. Before removing it from the heat, you can add a little juice and lemon peel - so typical of Eastern cuisine.
