Unloading Day With Cabbage

Unloading Day With Cabbage
Unloading Day With Cabbage

Unloading days with cabbage are recommended for many diseases. Cabbage-meat day is recommended for atherosclerosis and obesity, cabbage-apple unloading day is recommended for hypertension and obesity.

Cabbage-fish unloading day also has a good effect on obesity. It is recommended to consume one and a half kilograms of stewed cabbage during the cabbage unloading day.

The quantity is divided into five parts. In addition to the consumption of stewed cabbage, it is recommended to drink two cups of unsweetened green tea or rosehip tea.

It is recommended to consume some seafood during the unloading cabbage day. If you want to eat only fresh cabbage, you need to divide a pound and a half of fresh cabbage into six salads.

Unloading day with cabbage
Unloading day with cabbage

Add five milliliters of oil or olive oil to each salad. There is a cabbage-milk unloading day. For one day you need to eat a large cabbage salad or a large portion of stewed cabbage.

On the same day you can drink a liter of kefir. During the cabbage-fish unloading day, it is recommended to consume four hundred grams of stewed or roasted fish and nine hundred grams of fresh or stewed cabbage.

The amount is divided into five portions. During the cabbage-apple unloading day, one kilogram of apples and six hundred grams of cabbage are consumed - fresh or stewed.

Cabbage-meat unloading day requires the consumption of four hundred grams of boiled or stewed beef and one hundred grams of fresh cabbage. Cabbage is consumed in two parts and meat - in four parts.

There is also a variant of a one-day cabbage diet. Fluid is consumed at will without restriction. Breakfast is two carrots, stewed with one apple.

Lunch includes cabbage soup with carrots, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. You can replace cabbage with cauliflower to boil and eat cold or hot.

Afternoon snack is one hundred and fifty grams of yogurt. Dinner is stewed fish with fresh cabbage.
