Unloading Day With Tea And Honey

Unloading Day With Tea And Honey
Unloading Day With Tea And Honey

Honey is one of the most useful and favorite products, it is a strong stimulant of metabolism, improves the work of the heart, kidneys and digestive system.

With the help of tea and honey you can make a delicious and useful unloading day that will keep you in good shape and you will be able to work.

Honey is a strong source of energy, and in combination with tea it has a purifying effect on the body. However, you should not forget that in order not to destroy all the useful ingredients of honey, you should not add it to the boiling water with which you brew your tea.


Honey is added to the already cooled tea so as not to destroy its valuable biologically active substances. Otherwise, you will only benefit from its sweetening properties.

Honey is added when the water temperature drops just below 40 degrees, then the vitamins and valuable enzymes in honey are preserved.

When you decide to make a relaxing day with tea and honey, do not overeat at dinner the night before. Eat something light and drink a glass of kefir before bed.

Weight loss
Weight loss

In the morning after getting up, drink a cup of herbal or green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey. If you can not do without coffee, drink a cup of black tea - it has a waking effect.

Stock up on plenty of tea to drink during the day - as often as you like. If you feel very hungry and feel hungry, eat a slice of wholemeal bread on which you have dropped a few drops of honey.

You can drink over 2 liters of tea, but be careful not to overdo it with honey. And if you want the effect of the unloading day to be even greater, drink two or three cups of ginger tea sweetened with a little honey.

Ginger tea is made from 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root and 600 milliliters of water. You can add 2 tablespoons of orange juice after the tea cools.

Put the grated ginger in boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and after cooling add the honey. The unloading day with tea and honey is not recommended for people with allergies to bee products.
