Does You Lose Weight With Wholemeal Bread

Does You Lose Weight With Wholemeal Bread
Does You Lose Weight With Wholemeal Bread

On a diet again! Deprivation again! Whenever we gain another pound and start to feel overwhelmed by it, the first thing we decide to lose, even before starting a diet, is bread.

Is bread really for fattening? It has happened to many of us to sit in a restaurant and at the next table to be served different dishes, which are not always so dietary and healthy, and there is no bread. Bread is not for fattening! The calories in a medium-sized slice of wholemeal bread are 35 to 50, depending on the bread. Isn't that great? It has been proven that a slice of wholemeal bread gives the same feeling of satiety as eating a steak, ie. if we eat two slices of bread spread with a little butter we can save ourselves from consuming more calories.

There is even such a diet with bread, created by Israeli nutritionist Olga Raz. It is based on the premise that eating large amounts of bread can reduce appetite and result in losing up to 20 pounds in eight weeks. The theory behind this diet is that complex carbohydrates work to increase serotonin levels, which in turn reduces appetite.

The basis of the diet is bread, up to 12 slices for women and up to 16 for men. As Raz emphasizes that this should not be white bread, which is more caloric, but whole grain or black. She points out that wholemeal bread has a low glycemic index, which helps maintain blood sugar levels. it is not only dietary but also healthier.

Foods that are not allowed during this diet are butter, margarine and sweets, but there are many others that are allowed such as mustard, peanut butter, hummus, sesame tahini, avocado and sugar-free jelly. Other foods that are allowed are tuna, smoked salmon, chicken and turkey breast, tofu and low-fat cheese.

Most vegetables are allowed in unlimited quantities and Raz suggests adding them to every meal. Fruits are allowed in moderation because they contain sugar, which can affect blood glucose.

Along with the consumption of the provided quantities of bread, the consumption of protein foods is also allowed: meat, chicken and fish, but three times a week. 3-4 eggs per week are also allowed.

Well, it turns out that we can lose weight by eating whole grain bread!
