What To Use Banana Peels For?

What To Use Banana Peels For?
What To Use Banana Peels For?

Banana is one of the favorite fruits that we often eat at work, for breakfast while on the road or just while relaxing at home. It keeps the body full for a long time and is preferred by the little ones.

Bananas are present in almost every home. Naturally, most people discard the peel from the fruit. They do not know what a mistake this is, but now we will light them up!

Here are some reasons why do not throw away banana peels on the trash!

1. For beautiful facial skin - make a mask of half a banana and a little peel, well crushed and mixed with 2 tbsp. sour cream and 1 tbsp. honey. Leave on the face for 10 minutes and rinse. The skin will become softer and radiant.

2. To clean and soften the skin of the heels - take banana peel and place it where the heels are injured or have dry skin. After 10 minutes, remove it and wash with lukewarm water. You will see how the skin there will become softer and smoother.

3. For whiter teeth - rub your teeth with banana peel. If you make this procedure your habit, in a few months you will enjoy visible results.

banana peel against skin problems
banana peel against skin problems

4. For wounds - banana peels have a soothing and soothing effect on wounds, burns and all kinds of scratches.

5. For the removal of warts - if you regularly put banana peel on the wart, it will contribute to its faster destruction.

6. For the plants in your garden - if you bury a banana peel near a plant, it will stimulate its rapid growth.

7. For cleaning and polishing the leaves of plants - will acquire a great look.

8. For polishing dishes and shoes - the inside of the shell should pass over the surface of shoes or household utensils. Wipe with a napkin and enjoy their new shiny look. They will be like new!

9. For insect bites - place the bark on the bitten area to reduce itching and pain.

10. For cleaning silver jewelry - thanks to the acid content in banana peel, darkened silver regains a perfect look.
