Coffee Helps Reduce Appetite

Coffee Helps Reduce Appetite
Coffee Helps Reduce Appetite

Appetite can be reduced with the help of coffee, a new study proves. An invigorating drink can have just as strong an effect on the body as pills, which inhibit our desire for food.

This study was done by Australian scientists, who explain that the decrease in appetite through coffee can occur under certain conditions and not in everyone.

Researchers at the University of Queensland are convinced that the desire for food can actually be influenced by ordinary coffee.

Coffee consumption
Coffee consumption

To prove this hypothesis, the researchers included volunteers in the study, who were divided into three separate groups.

Each of the groups was given different things, the first cup of coffee, the second decaffeinated coffee, and the third tablet containing caffeine. All this happened before the volunteers had breakfast.

Matt Schubert, who led the study, explained that the results were available only in the first group, which consumed regular caffeinated coffee. It turns out that decaffeinated coffee and the pill don't do the same job.

Quite logically, after the participants in the first group of the experiment felt less need for food, they began to consume less, explains Schubert.

Drinking coffee
Drinking coffee

This is not the end of the study - at the moment the results are as follows, but scientists are determined to continue and investigate which ingredient is the cause of successful appetite suppression.

The invigorating drink is actually quite controversial - often completely denied by experts or praised indefinitely. However, recent research has shown that coffee is not so harmful.

Some time ago it was proven that coffee prolongs life, protects against Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, lowers blood sugar.

Swedish researchers have even reported that if women consume one cup of caffeinated coffee a day, it can reduce the likelihood of stroke by 25%. The invigorating drink can even protect ladies from gout.
