Diet To Reduce Appetite

Diet To Reduce Appetite
Diet To Reduce Appetite

If you want to reduce your beastly appetite and lose weight, you will need to follow a diet to reduce appetite for three weeks.

The principle of the diet is based on the alternation of the options of menus A and B. The even days are intended for menus A, and the odd days - for menus B.

During the first week breakfast is:

A - a glass of warm milk with honey, wholemeal slice

B - a cup of tea, a slice of rye with parsley

Before lunch:

A - a cup of tea, two lettuce leaves, two slices of rye bread

B - a glass of yogurt, a slice of wholemeal bread, an unlimited amount of radishes


Diet to reduce appetite
Diet to reduce appetite

A - boiled fish, two boiled potatoes, lettuce

B - vegetable soup, green peas, a piece of lean beef, fruit salad


A - two tomatoes

B - fruit juice and two biscuits


A - a glass of yogurt, two wholemeal slices of honey

B - a glass of fresh milk, wholemeal slice with honey

Second week


A - a glass of juice and a rusk

B - a cup of tea with milk, a slice of rye with honey

Before lunch:

A - two wholemeal slices with butter and cheese, tea

B - two wholemeal slices of boiled meat, two tomatoes, tea


A - two meatballs, carrot salad, fruit

B - vegetable soup, boiled fish, two potatoes, vegetable salad


A - fruit and two biscuits

B - yogurt and a rusk


A - yogurt, wholemeal slice with jam

B - a cup of tea, two pieces of non-fat cheese

Third week


A - coffee, whole grain slice with honey

B - milk with honey, rusk

Before lunch:

A - yogurt, wholemeal slice with butter, boiled egg, radishes

B - tea, two wholemeal slices with ham, two tomatoes


A - steak, spinach with cream, juice

B - rice, stewed mushrooms, broth, two apples


A - a glass of fresh milk, wholemeal slice, cottage cheese

B - a cup of tea, a wholemeal slice with boiled beef, an apple
