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Video: Tofu

Video: Tofu
Video: Roblox ICE Speed Simulator *I GOT SO FAST WITH ROBUX* 2024, September

The name of tofu comes from Japanese and contains the words "it" / soybeans / and "fu" / cheese /. Although it could once only be found in Asian stores, this snack has the amazing ability to absorb the aroma and taste of the surrounding ingredients. This makes it a highly nutritious and versatile part of our healthy diet.

Tofu can be found in stores all year round.

Tofu is a highly nutritious, protein-rich food made from skimmed soy milk. It is often called the "cheese of Asia" because of its resemblance to ordinary white cheese. Creamy yellow in color, it is usually sold packaged in a rectangular shape. Tofu is a key ingredient in the cuisines of many Asian countries, where it is used to prepare a variety of dishes - from salads to desserts.

You will recognize the soybean sprouts from which tofu is made under the name Glycine max.

Tofu was created in China about 2,000 years ago. The details of its creation are not clear, but according to local legend, it was invented by a Chinese chef who accidentally put the alga nigari in soy milk, thus cutting the milk, and the result was tofu.

Tofu was introduced to Japan in the 8th century, when it was called "okabe" and only later, in the 15th century, it received its current name "tofu". In Europe, it became known along with research and studies on healthy eating, which began to interest people. It gained its greatest popularity in the 1960s, when the significant benefits of this nutrient-rich plant food were discovered.

Roasted tofu
Roasted tofu

Tofu composition

IN tofu are contained all 8 amino acids that the human body does not produce, but must obtain from food. It is rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and B vitamins. After eggs, it has the highest content of licin, which has a strengthening effect on the nervous system.

100 g of tofu contains 4.2 g of fat, 7 g of protein, 0.1 g of fiber and 2.4 g of carbohydrates. The proteins in this cheese are vegetable, which makes it a very suitable food for vegetarians.

Types of tofu

Tofu is prepared by the method of coagulating soy milk by filtration or heating. This is done with the help of a special coagulant, and after clotting the tofu is pressed and placed in packages filled with water. There are many varieties of tofu, but two are the most common - hard and soft tofu.

Hard tofu, also called instant, is very easy to cut and goes well with most products, contains more protein and resembles mozzarella in consistency.

Soft tofu / kinugosi / - its consistency resembles pudding, it is more suitable for making soups, desserts and sauces.

Selection and storage of tofu

Tofu is gaining more and more popularity, which is why it is already found in a number of stores. Large part of the the tofu is pasteurized already in the factories for production, which means that it does not need refrigeration and can be stored in airtight packaging. Its water must be changed every day, it can last up to a week.

Tofu can be frozen in its original packaging. It will be stored in the freezer for about 5 months. After thawing, its consistency has already changed - it becomes more porous and hard.

Breaded tofu
Breaded tofu

Tofu in cooking

After opening the package, the water should be removed and the cheese washed with cold water and dried lightly with a paper towel. Tofu has a light color, odorless and melts on the tongue, leaving almost no odor. In Chinese cuisine, tofu is used in making soups and dishes in the wok, combines well with vegetables, fish and meat.

One of the most famous tofu dishes is ma po doufu, coming from Sichuan. It is a very spicy dish, which in addition to tofu contains minced beef, chili and Sichuan pepper.

Tofu with vegetables in a wok is added at the end to preserve its structure and aroma. Many desserts are also made with tofu. Most often it is filled with fruit sauces, but it is possible to break and become a filling of pies and cakes.

Tofu cheese is a universal product - it can be boiled, baked and fried, steamed. Tofu has a neutral aroma, so more spices or sauce should be added during cooking.

Pieces of tofu can also be consumed directly, flavored with various spices or marinated with a mixture of tomato sauce, olive oil, basil, garlic puree and black pepper.

Benefits of tofu

- It has cardiovascular benefits due to the presence of soy protein. Studies conducted in recent years on the properties of soy proteins show that regular intake can lower overall cholesterol levels by up to 30%, lower bad cholesterol levels by up to 35-40% and possibly even increase good cholesterol levels.

Cooking tofu
Cooking tofu

- Eat soy foods to go through the menopause. Soy is useful for relieving the symptoms that accompany menopause. This is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in soy foods, and in particular the isoflavones genistein and diadzein. Besides, most types of tofu are enriched with calcium, which protects against bone problems that most women are exposed to during menopause.

- It is rich in minerals and has antioxidant action. Tofu is a very good source of iron, supplying us with 33.8% of the daily value of this important mineral with only about 120 g of tofu. The same amount gives us 11.0% of the daily value of honey.

- Gives us cardiovascular protection because of its content of omega-3 fats. With 120 g of tofu we provide 14.4% of the daily value of omega-3 fats. They help us avoid variable heart rhythms, protect us from blood clotting in the arteries and improve the ratio between bad and good cholesterol.

- Contains selenium - a micromineral with antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory action. With 120 g of tofu we provide 14.4% of the daily value of selenium. It is necessary for the proper functioning of our antioxidant system, which reduces the levels of harmful free radicals in the body.

Although allergic reactions can be caused by almost any type of food, it is known that some foods are associated with more allergies than others. About 90% of food allergies are associated with 8 types of food: tree nuts, fish, crustaceans, cow's milk, chicken eggs, soy products (such as tofu), peanuts and wheat.
