Diuretic Foods

Diuretic Foods
Diuretic Foods

Water retention can lead to bloating and an unpleasant feeling of fullness. If you have a mild form of water retention, for example after eating foods high in salt, eating certain fruits and vegetables known as natural diuretics will help.

Diuretics are substances that stimulate diuresis in the kidneys, ie. fluid loss through urine. These are usually substances containing magnesium and potassium. In more severe forms of fluid retention, consult your doctor to prescribe the appropriate medication.

Many vegetables are considered diuretics due to their high water content. You may find it strange to treat water retention with water.

The addition of water increases the volume of fluids in the body, which signals the kidneys to release them. Examples of diuretic vegetables are parsley, artichoke, celery, onion and others.

Cucumbers have a great diuretic effect because they consist almost exclusively of water. Asparagus contains the alkaloid asparagine, which stimulates the excretion of waste products through the kidneys. Brussels sprouts, in addition to their diuretic effect, are also good for the pancreas.

Watermelon and melon
Watermelon and melon

Cabbage, tomatoes and carrots contain a large amount of vitamin C, which plays an important role in metabolism. Maintain potassium levels in the body by adding apple cider vinegar to your salad. In addition to their diuretic properties, vegetables will supply your body with many other essential trace elements.

Diets containing fruits that have a diuretic effect include the consumption of watermelon, melon, strawberries, figs, kiwi, pineapple, papaya, grapes and more. An additional effect of the intake of these fruits is the presence in them of many vital minerals and vitamins - C, B1, B2, potassium, which play a major role in metabolism and maintaining smooth and beautiful skin.

In addition to eating fruits and vegetables, you can stimulate diuresis by following some rules. Limit your intake of foods containing sodium, such as salt. Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day.

Raise your legs higher for a few minutes a day - this will help retain water in the lower extremities. Exercise regularly - sport improves overall metabolism.
