Raclette - A Legend About The Delicious Melted Cheese

Raclette - A Legend About The Delicious Melted Cheese
Raclette - A Legend About The Delicious Melted Cheese

We all already know the appliances for raclette, which have become popular in our country in recent years. Little is known, however, about the old traditional way of serving raclette - as it is still prepared in the small pretty mountain villages of the native raclette native Swiss canton of Valais.

For this purpose, half of the pie from the local Swiss cheeses is placed on a special device / see the gallery / and heated until the top layer of the cheese melts. Then the pie is tilted to the plate with the help of the appliance, enough to scrape the top melted layer of the cheese with a knife.

It must be served with boiled potatoes with the skin, and their thin skin is also consumed. Marinated small cucumbers and small onions are an integral part of the raclette. Other similar pickles are also welcome.

Eat quickly until the cheese has hardened and the potatoes are hot. Only after they are eaten can you scrape again. It has to be hot to be delicious.

White wine from the colorful canton of Valais is the right drink.

Legend has it that lightning set fire to a wooden hut, in the cellar of which selected cheeses were aging. When the locals put out the fire and managed to get to their food supplies by going down to the cellar, the cheeses were intact, but the heat of the fire had softened and melted them.

The starving farmers rushed to the food and found out how delicious the melted cheese was. That's how he appeared raclette, which is still a favorite not only of locals but also around the world.
