Easter Traditions Around The World

Easter Traditions Around The World
Easter Traditions Around The World

Easter is the oldest Christian holiday, celebrated since the middle of the second century. The whole world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but each country has different ways to celebrate it. See how some countries celebrate Easter.

In our country the holiday is celebrated with a rich table, laden with dishes of lamb, green salads, Easter cake and of course the painting of eggs. People knock with these eggs and wish each other health and good luck. In the evening before Sunday we go to church.

In Greece, during Holy Week, church liturgies are celebrated, and on Sunday the Greeks sit at a table with roast lamb and red wine.

Scenes of Jesus' suffering and Easter processions are performed in many Italian villages. Huge chocolate eggs are sold, which are full of surprises.

Easter bread
Easter bread

In Hungary, men spray perfume on women from family and friends. This tradition is associated with fertility. The ladies then drink eggs, alcohol and pastries.

In the Philippines on Good Friday, young men play the crucifixion of Jesus. They carry wooden crosses to the top of the hills, and then nail them to the waist with their feet and hands. Men accept this as redemption, but the Catholic Church does not approve of this tradition.

Festive processions are organized in the United States, the largest of which are in New York. At the White House, young visitors look for hidden Easter eggs, and finally the president presents them with wooden eggs signed by him and his wife.

Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny

Sugar and chocolate eggs are extremely popular in Australia. Rabbits and bilby treats are also sold - a baggy animal, similar to a mouse. Australians consider it an Easter symbol of the country.

For Russians, Easter is the most revered holiday. Traditionally, there are as many dishes on the table as the fast lasts. To decorate the table, colorful eggs are placed in a basket with greenery.

Swedes decorate their houses in yellow, white and green. There are dishes similar to Christmas on the table. Easter eggs are a large cardboard in which a beautiful candy is placed.

In Great Britain, on Good Friday bread is eaten with raisins, on which a cross is painted. On Easter, painted eggs roll on the slopes. The winner is the one whose egg reaches the bottom the fastest.

In Germany, cakes are made, similar to our Easter cakes. Breakfast is family-friendly, and children are looking for Easter baskets with treats, bunnies and other small gifts hidden throughout the house.
