The Happiest Easter Traditions From Around The World

The Happiest Easter Traditions From Around The World
The Happiest Easter Traditions From Around The World

In Bulgaria traditionally on Easter consume lamb with roasted vegetables, sarma liver, lettuce, fragrant Easter cakes and of course eggs.

Easter food is as varied and colorful as the cultures around the world. In different parts there are different traditions with special Easter foodwith which people properly celebrate the holiday.

Cakes with a cross
Cakes with a cross

In the United Kingdom, for example, cross rolls made for Good Friday are well known. They are rolls of yeast dough stuffed with raisins and grapes with a shaped cross on them, which symbolically divides the bread into four parts, representing the four seasons (four quarters). In addition to the rolls, an Easter cake is prepared, rich in fruit and covered with a layer of marzipan. The eleven marzipan balls placed in the middle of the cake symbolize the 11 faithful disciples of Jesus.


Russia is famous for a pyramid-shaped dessert called Easter, made from cheese and often decorated with the letters XV, which symbolize the greeting of Christ the Risen One. Equally famous is the Easter cake Kulich, similar to our Easter cake, which is baked in tall metal boxes and decorated with white icing.


In Ethiopia, to celebrate the end of Lent, Dabo sourdough bread is often made for breakfast. Traditionally, this bread is cut by a priest or by the head of the family. The main Easter food is eaten in the afternoon and the tables are full of mutton and lamb stew, Injera pancakes and Easter eggs.

In France, and especially in the city of Naih, a giant omelette is made every year on Holy Monday. A truly giant omelette is served in the town square, using more than 4,500 eggs, enough to feed more than 1,000 people. When visiting this city during this tradition, be sure to bring a fork.

Dutch liqueur
Dutch liqueur

The Netherlands is the country of the drink Advocaat. The traditional Easter drink is made from eggs, sugar and alcohol, similar to egg punch. The Dutch use it as an aperitif for the holiday, and it is often used as a topping for various pastries and waffles.

Mexican bread pudding is served during the Easter holidays and is especially prepared for Good Friday. It is made with nuts, figs and is often mixed with cheese.

Finland is known for its traditional Mämmi, and although it looks like Oreo cookie milk, this Easter dessert is actually made from molasses and orange peel, consumed cold with milk or cream.


The Ecuadorian Fanesca soup, which is traditionally prepared by households and communities in Ecuador during Holy Week, is also very interesting. The ingredients for the soup vary by region, mainly containing a special variety of pumpkin, as well as twelve types of beans and cereals such as beans, lentils, corn, peas and garnished with hard-boiled eggs, fried bananas and spices. Twelve grains symbolize the apostles of Jesus, and the soup itself is consumed at lunch.

You choose what tradition you will follow, it is important to have fun, we can only wish you to be healthy, smiling and blessed!
