Healthy Eating In The Fall

Healthy Eating In The Fall
Healthy Eating In The Fall

Autumn is a transition between summer and winter, so at the beginning of this season are consumed vegetables and fruits that abound in the market, to supplement the protein composition of the dishes include fish, meat, milk, eggs.

Feeding in the fall it should include a lot of fruit, because it is rich in such - pears, melons, grapes, apples, plums, etc. The fruits are similar to cakes and chocolate, which we eat in the fall in unlimited quantities to somehow sweeten the rainy days.

We get the same pleasure, only the extra pounds do not accumulate on the abdomen and thighs.

Fruits, especially fresh, should be used most rationally to prepare the body for the winter months, when they decrease, and thus reduces the import of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Eating in the fall should be regular and moderate at the same time, you should not overeat. One of the most important meals during this period, in fact, as with others, is breakfast.

It should not be neglected. If you wish and to your taste, you can prepare a healthy healthy breakfast with milk, jams, cheese, yellow cheese, cottage cheese, sausages, noodles and much more.

Try to eat more vegetables and fruits, this is very important for healthy eating in the fall.

Pumpkin should be used because it contains potassium salts, which are essential for the work of the heart muscle. Carotene eliminates edema, has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. You can prepare it in a variety of ways - baked, boiled, pureed and more.

Grapes are a carrier of valuable mineral salts, glucose and fructose, which support the heart muscle and more.

Apples and pears - wonderful and healthy! They can be consumed both raw and baked, in compotes, purees, useful smoothies and more.

Healthy drinks and foods in the fall
Healthy drinks and foods in the fall

Wild fruits such as rose hips, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries are valuable carriers of useful vitamins and minerals and they should be used most rationally during the season.

How many delicious and fragrant dishes can be prepared from vegetables, just use your imagination.

Sweet peppers, fresh potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins, cabbage, zucchini and many others will also delight us in the cold and rainy autumn days and will help to cope with increased appetite.

Garlic and onions should be present in your diet. These are powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral products. Even in the midst of a flu epidemic, garlic and onions will help you avoid disease.

High-calorie salads with mayonnaise should be replaced with vegetable salads with olive oil, and chocolate products - with dried fruits or nuts (in reasonable quantities, of course). Delicious vegetable soups can be a great solution for autumn feeding - they will warm and saturate the body.

Eat dairy and fermented dairy products.

Many people often focus on desserts and pastries, eating fast and unhealthy.

You can avoid health problems caused by unhealthy foods, you just need to stick to some dietary rules in the fall.

In general, there will be no problems with obtaining healthy products, as in the beginning of autumn their price is completely acceptable.
